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09/06/2024 - Building a Foundation: Read

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  1. Help us create a Yoga Foundation in Argentina!
  2. We are Parabhairavayoga, a community dedicated to the dissemination of the Science of Yoga, especially Trika Shaivism, throughout the world.
  3. We intend to create an educational center and an Āśrama in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and we are currently raising funds to achieve this purpose at:
  4. We would like to sincerely thank all those who read our petition, we truly feel very honored to be able to carry out this task, and we greatly appreciate your help in fulfilling this difficult and arduous mission.
  5. With appreciation and blessings, Parabhairavayoga Community.
  6. More information:

08/26/2024 - A LOT OF NEWS: Read!

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  1. A lot of news to share with you:
  2. But first you can see here all of our past and present beloved collaborators: About us.
  3. We are pleased to announce the launch of our Parabhairavayoga website created by Nicole Satī —our beloved collaborator— where you can find out about all the news and activities that will be taking place in our community! You can access the brand-new website very fast by clicking on our "sun" logo near the Facebook logo above. For now this website is only in English and Spanish.
  4. Also, we welcome you to our new Parabhairavayoga accounts on Instagram in English and Instagram in Spanish, Facebook in English and Facebook in Spanish, Reddit and Discord. Follow us on social media to find out about all the updates from our community!
  5. I finished the first part of my own scripture: Vāstavāhantāpravacanam (A discourse about the Real I).
  6. I finished translating the chapter 9 (only in English for now) in venerable Tantrāloka by eminent Abhinavagupta. My next work is now to translate the chapter 10 (only in English too). The Spanish versions will come in the future. Till now I have translated 2494 stanzas into English out of 5847, which amounts to around 3.5 Bhagavadgītā-s. Oh yes, it is huge!
  7. Gurumā (my wife) was working hard too with her translations into Russian language: Trika (overview), Meditation section, Tantrāloka (chapter 2 --full-- and chapter 3 --up to stanza 110 so far--) and the first part of Vāstavāhantāpravacanam (totally in Russian).
  8. Robert Bhāskara, our Hungarian collaborator, started to add more translations into his native language: First Steps 1, First Steps 2, Alphabet and Alphabet - variant.
  9. I am holding satsaṅga-s (meetings) via Zoom all Saturdays at 16:00 (Moscow time), where I teach about different topics. If you want to participate, make sure you are fluent in English and/or Spanish and next fill out this form.
  10. Although is the central headquarters for all my books, they are also available at: Barnes & Noble, Ebay, Booklooker, Betterworldbooks, MercadoLibre, and many more (search "gabriel pradiipaka" on all those websites).
  11. Enjoy!

05/30/2024 - SILVER ANNIVERSARY: Read!

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  1. Dear visitors, on June 1st we will be celebrating the Silver Anniversary of our beloved website!
  2. A little history: The website had a humble origin in 1999, in a Geocities community. I got the "" domain name later and started to pay for web hosting. So, at the beginning the website was extremely Argentinian. But this would change eventually when I decided to buy the international domain name "" in 2008. After that, in 2009, our collaborators Paulo and Claudio from Brazil commenced to translate the website into Portuguese. Until 2012 the website was static, but with the help of our programmer, Zoltán, it became dynamic at the end of that very year. In the first times of the website I had to invent my own Sanskrit transliteration system for want of Unicode fonts. With the arrival of Sanskrit Unicode fonts, I had to move the entire transliteration of the website from my own system to IAST (International Alphabet of Sanskrit Transliteration). By the way, I myself invented the full name "International Alphabet of Sanskrit Transliteration" and its acronym "IAST". Now there are experts in IAST online (Google it), without never giving me credit for that creative name I invented in the 2000s. Well, this world is full of fools, as you surely know. Later around 2013, an ex-collaborator from Hungary started to translate the website into Hungarian. In 2015, our collaborator Irina Vallabhā began to translate the website into Russian. Next, in 2016, my wife (Natalia Ambikā) took the baton and continued the Russian translation of the website until today. The Hindii language was added short after that. In 2017, while retaining the old domain name, I redirected the website to the brand new domain name: "". Why? Because was born in a time when the website was only in English and Spanish. Moreover, though Sanskrit continued to be important here, the emphasis moved to Trika Shaivism little by little. Accordingly, the name of the website moved from "Sanskrit & Sánscrito" to "Sanskrit & Trika Shaivism". At the end of 2016 I moved from an Argentinian hosting company to an American one. Since that time the VPS (Virtual Private Server) of the website is located in Amsterdam (Netherlands). This move improved connectivity with Europe, for example, where I had several disciples. I continue with the same hosting company till now. As the number of visitors increased a lot last year, I had to upgrade my hosting plan. Thanks to the collaboration of my disciples, I could pay all my hosting expenses these last years. Very well, this has been a summary of a 25 years journey online! Endless hours of hard efforts to keep the website up have born the fruits of around 4000 visitors coming every day!
  3. Our beloved collaborators have been at the heart of our efforts. You can see them all here: About us.
  4. Throughout the years, our website has grown incessantly. For example: In the last twelve months we have had around 1,150,000 visits, approximately 5.5 million pages, 20 million files, and a whopping 23.6 million hits, not to mention the 1.1 terabyte of consumed bandwidth and over 42,000 linked sites every month. Besides, enjoys 128,864 backlinks. For a "niche" website like ours, those numbers are remarkable.
  5. Our visitors come from many countries on the globe. Here the top 25 in 2024 by number of pages: (1) United States, (2) India, (3) Russian Federation, those are the main countries by far! Now, the list continues: (4) Japan, (5) Great Britain, (6) China, (7) Brazil, (8) Spain, (9) Poland, (10) Argentina, (11) Sweden, (12) Canada, (13) Germany, (14) France, (15) Mexico, (16) Ukraine, (17) Hungary, (18) Croatia, (19) Bulgaria, (20) Australia, (21) Chile, (22) Netherlands, (23) Colombia, (24) Romania and (25) Indonesia.
  6. Aside from the main website, we have our Facebook and Instagram pages together with our YouTube channel.
  7. I also launched recently two communities: One in Reddit about Trika Shaivism and another one in Discord about Parabhairavayoga (Trika Shaivism for Liberation). You are invited to participate! Happy Anniversary!

01/04/2024 - NEWS: Read!

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  1. As I said above, in the important news pinned on top: I continue to write Vāstavāhantāsūtrāṇi.
  2. My wife and collaborator was working hard translating stuff into Russian: Pātañjalayogasūtra-s, Vyāsa comments on Yoga, Aṣṭāṅgayoga, Pratyabhijñāhṛdaya, Trika (overview) (now she is about to finish Trika 5) and Vāstavāhantāpravacanam.
  3. Although is the central headquarters for all my books, they are also available at: Barnes & Noble, Ebay, Booklooker, Betterworldbooks, MercadoLibre, and many more (search "gabriel pradiipaka" on all those websites).
  4. Enjoy!

01/03/2024 - IMPORTANT: Read!

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  1. I am composing in Sanskrit a writing about the Real I, i.e. the Real Essence in everybody: Vāstavāhantāpravacanam (The Aphorisms about the Real I). When it is finished it will contain a good portion of all my knowledge about Trika Shaivism and Indian philosophies. I am adding more aphorisms practically every day. For now it is only available in English, Spanish and Russian.
  2. THE FIRST PART of Vāstavāhantāpravacanam IS TOTALLY FINISHED!
  3. Now I am ALSO translating the chapter 9 (I am translating now the second page containing stanzas 153 to 314!) in Abhinavagupta's Tantrāloka!
  4. Although is the central headquarters for all my books, they are also available at: Barnes & Noble, Ebay, Booklooker, Betterworldbooks, MercadoLibre, and many more (search "gabriel pradiipaka" on all those websites).
  5. Enjoy!

08/03/2023 - FRESH NEWS!: Read!

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  1. More than two months without any news here. Anyway, I have been working very hard, as always.
  2. Our website runs on a VPS (a virtual private server). We had 2 GB of RAM but this amount started to be not enough with more and more visitors coming. So, we upgraded our memory to 4 GB now. It should be sufficient for the next couple of years if there is no sudden crazy surge of more visitors.
  3. Our website is "totally devoid of advertising". Therefore, you do not need any adblockers here. We are paying all the bills out of our own pockets. Our goal in this is not to pester the visitors with ads while they are reading the content.
  4. I started to translate a new scripture: Śivastotrāvalīvivṛti (the famous Kṣemarāja's commentary on Utpaladeva's Śivastotrāvalī).
  5. I finished translating chapter 7 in Bhagavadgītā. I plan to finish the full translation of Bhagavadgītā during this year.
  6. Meanwhile, my wife and collaborator, Natalia Ambikā, finished translating Kṣemarāja's Parāprāveśikā into Russian. Additionally, she was these days translating Īśvarapratyabhijñākārikā-s too. Now she is fully occupied with the translation of Pātañjalayogasūtra-s into her native language. Congratulations!
  7. Although is the central headquarters for all my books, they are also available at: Barnes & Noble, Ebay, Booklooker, Betterworldbooks, MercadoLibre, and many more (search "gabriel pradiipaka" on all those websites).
  8. Enjoy!

05/30/2023 - ANNIVERSARY: Read!

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  1. Dear visitors from all corners of the globe, we stand before you today, humbled and honored, to mark an auspicious occasion. It is with great pride that we celebrate the 24th anniversary of our beloved website, "Sanskrit & Trika Shaivism". Over these 24 years, our site has become a beacon of knowledge and learning, a point of convergence for scholars and enthusiasts alike, united in their pursuit of wisdom in the ancient Indian traditions of Sanskrit and Trika Shaivism.
  2. This accomplishment has been no easy feat, and it is a testament to the unwavering commitment, hard work, and relentless effort that has gone into building our site into the global resource that it is today. Our journey has been one of countless hours, tireless efforts, challenges overcome, and goals achieved.
  3. At the heart of our efforts have been our invaluable collaborators, who have joined us from across the world, driven by a shared vision and commitment to disseminating knowledge. We extend our deepest thanks to Paulo and Claudio from Brazil, Tamás Tryambaka from Hungary, and Natalia Ambikā, affectionately known as Gurumā, from Russia. It is their hard work, expertise, and devotion that have been instrumental in shaping the content and direction of our website.
  4. Throughout the years, our site has grown exponentially. The figures speak for themselves: Last year there have been close to a million visits, approximately 5.8 million pages, 13.2 million files, and a whopping 17 million hits, not to mention the near 1 terabyte of consumed bandwidth and over 25,000 linked sites. These statistics not only illustrate the scale of our operation but, more importantly, underscore the wide-reaching impact of our work and the vast audience we are privileged to serve.
  5. Looking ahead, we have exciting plans on the horizon. We are thrilled to announce the imminent relaunch of our Parabhairavayoga blog. This platform will offer an opportunity to delve deeper into the realms of Sanskrit and Trika Shaivism, offering additional resources and insights for our valued visitors.
  6. Over the years, our reach has spanned the globe, reflected in the diverse geographical distribution of our visitors. The United States, India, the Russian Federation, Greece, Great Britain, Iran, Poland, Finland, Ukraine, and the Netherlands stand out as the top ten countries in our audience. This global reach is a testament to the universal appeal of Sanskrit and Trika Shaivism, crossing borders, cultures, and languages to resonate with individuals worldwide.
  7. As we look forward to the future, we do so with determination and ambition, with the promise to continue working harder to deliver the highest quality of content and knowledge on Sanskrit and Trika Shaivism to our visitors. Your interest and engagement fuel our commitment to excellence.
  8. We stand on the foundation laid by the Grace of Gurujī, who is one with Lord Śiva. His blessings have been the lifeblood of our website, guiding our path and illuminating our journey. His Grace has been instrumental in allowing this website to flourish over the past 24 years. It is in his footsteps that we follow and in his wisdom that we trust.
  9. As we mark this milestone and look to the future, we do so with immense gratitude for your continued support and engagement. We invite you to join us on this continuing journey of exploration and discovery, as we delve deeper into the unfathomable wisdom and richness of Sanskrit and Trika Shaivism. Thank you for being part of our story, and here's to many more years of learning and growing together on "Sanskrit & Trika Shaivism"!

05/10/2023 - FAST NEWS: New scripture

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  2. I started a new Trika scripture: Śivastotrāvalī (a compilation of 20 famous devocional hymns by Utpaladeva). I will be translating it little by little and updating it accordingly.
  3. Although is the central headquarters for all my books, they are also available at: Barnes & Noble, Ebay, Booklooker, Betterworldbooks, MercadoLibre, and many more (search "gabriel pradiipaka" on all those websites).
  4. Enjoy!

05/02/2023 - MORE NEWS: Read here!

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  1. I finished translating Abhinavagupta's Tantrasāra from Sanskrit into English. I was working on this important scripture for several months. Now it is complete! Its respective translation into Spanish will follow subsequently. I plan to add notes of explanation in the future too, or most people will not understand it properly.
  2. I started my translation of Utpaladeva's Īśvarapratyabhijñākārikā-s too, both in English and Spanish. This scripture is the most important one of the Pratyabhijñā section in the literature of Trika Shaivism. Well, this will require a strong effort to be finished as the text is extremely subtle and intricate. Wish me luck!
  3. Natalia Ambikā (my wife, called affectionately "Gurumā") has translated all the Tantrasāra's chapters (except for the 20th and the 21st chapters) into her native language (Russian). Congratulations!
  4. Ivan Nandī, one collaborator of my YouTube channel, is making the English subtitles for the videos related to my own book: Trikamukhyamatāni (Main Tenets of Trika Shaivism).
  5. I continue with my on-line satsaṅga-s every weekend. Now I am explaining my own book: "Spirituality - Volume 1". I add a new ~1 hour video every week to the "Spirituality - Volume 1" playlist on my YouTube channel. So far the playlist contains 27 videos. The last video is at 4K (Zoom records are now at this resolution). Check it out! — Our satsaṅga-s are held every Saturday at 4 pm (Moscow time) and they last around two hours (the core of the satsaṅga lasts around 1 hour, which is recorded on video; the rest of the satsaṅga consists of questions and answers, talks about some topics, etc). Do you want to participate? Just three requirements: (1) Make sure that you are a seriously interested in my teachings and that you are not someone merely curious about them (I do not want people coming and going), (2) fluent English or Spanish (I am speaking in both languages at the same time), and (3) get a free Zoom account and edit your profile there placing your real picture and real name. Next, click on CONTACT above, in the navigation bar of this website, and send me an email with a message describing who you are. If you are approved, you will receive a link for joining the meeting via Telegram or Whatsapp (the one you choose). Do not make me waste my time, please. Satsaṅga-s are, of course, for free.
  6. Although is the central headquarters for all my books, they are also available at: Barnes & Noble, Ebay, Booklooker, Betterworldbooks, MercadoLibre, and many more (search "gabriel pradiipaka" on all those websites).
  7. Enjoy!

04/17/2023 - Gurujī: 40 years in Yoga!

Gurujī celebrating his 40 years in YogaGurujī is celebrating his 40 years in Yoga!:

Gabriel Pradīpaka (affectionately called "Gurujī") has been a dedicated practitioner of Yoga for 40 years, has traversed an extensive journey in the quest for spiritual enlightenment. Over the years, Gurujī has explored and practiced various forms of yoga, including Haṭhayoga, Aṣṭāṅgayoga, Kuṇḍalinīyoga, and Jñānayoga, among others. Gurujī's quest for spiritual enlightenment led him to become a part of the Siddhayoga community, where he spent six years learning and practicing under the guidance of their teachers. During his time in the Siddhayoga community, Gurujī gained a deeper understanding of the spiritual path and further honed his practice.

After leaving the Siddhayoga community, Gurujī joined the Akṛtrimo Yogaḥ community, where they spent around eight years exploring the intricacies of Trika Shaivism and Sanskrit. The community's teachings emphasized the power of meditation and the attainment of Self-realization in a natural way, which resonated deeply with Gurujī's spiritual aspirations.

After spending a lot of years in both the Siddhayoga and Akṛtrimo Yogaḥ communities, Gurujī decided to embark on a solo journey towards spiritual enlightenment. For thirteen years, Gurujī delved into his practice, meditated deeply, and explored different aspects of Trika Shaivism scriptures, both physically and mentally. It was during this time that Gurujī experienced a profound spiritual awakening, which led to his Liberation from the cycles of birth and death.

Since attaining spiritual Liberation, Gurujī has dedicated himself to guiding others on their spiritual journeys, serving as a Guru for the past thirteen years. Gurujī's teachings emphasize the importance of dedication to Trika Shavisim and the study of the most important scriptures of that system, and encourage students to look within themselves for the answers they seek. Through his extensive experience and deep understanding of the spiritual path, Gurujī has become a beacon of light for those seeking guidance and direction in their spiritual journeys. His teachings and guidance have helped countless individuals find peace, contentment, and spiritual fulfillment, making Gurujī a true inspiration and a revered figure in the world of Yoga and spirituality.

02/17/2023 - MORE NEWS: Read here!

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  1. Was I doing nothing again?: NO, I finished my translation of Chapter 13, Chapter 14 and Chapter 15 in Abhinavagupta's Tantrasāra "in English".
  2. The translation of Chapter 16 —dealing with the initiation of the absent one— in English already started!
  3. Chapters 13, 14 and 15 (and Chapters 16-19 and 22 too) deal with ritualistic activities. Abhinavagupta is a big fan of rituals as he is predominantly a follower of the Kula school in Trika Shaivism. So, you find that half of his Tantrāloka is rituals, and half of his Tantrasāra (the summary of Tantrāloka) is also rituals, of course. I am predominantly a follower of the Spanda school in Trika Shaivism (the other two schools are Pratyabhijñā and Krama). Consequently, I am not interested at all in ritualistic activities. In my opinion, Knowledge is much more important than rituals. That is why in Parabhairavayoga (the Trika Shaivism-based Yoga I created), rituals occupy a minimal portion, if any. Anyway, here you have Abhinavagupta with his detailed descriptions of rituals for those of you who like them. To each their own!
  4. Now, there is a controversy coming up in Chapter 14 when Abhinavagupta describes animal sacrifices. I am completely against the killing of animals in rituals, even if it is for their Liberation. It is a horrible thing indeed! Nonetheless, when you read that chapter, you should take into account the place and the time when Abhinavagupta wrote all that: Kashmir in the 12th century.
  5. Another important thing happened: The Kindle version of my brand-new book "Parabhairavayogābhyāsāḥ - Volume 1" (Practices in Parabhairavayoga - Volume 1 - Śāmbhavopāya) is now available. In this book I wrote in Sanskrit (there is a translation, obviously) a full study of the "highest level" of Self-realization according to Trika Shaivism. The printed version of the book will be available soon as well.
  6. I continue with my on-line satsaṅga-s every weekend. Now I am explaining my own book: "Spirituality - Volume 1". I add a new ~1 hour video every week to the "Spirituality - Volume 1" playlist on my YouTube channel. So far the playlist contains 16 videos. Check it out! — Our satsaṅga-s are held every Saturday at 4 pm (Moscow time) and they last around two hours. Do you want to participate? Just two requirements: (1) Very fluent English, and (2) your Skype ID (click on CONTACT above, in the navigation bar, to send me an email with your Skype ID and a message describing who you are). Satsaṅga-s are, of course, for free.
  7. Although is the central headquarters for all my books, they are also available at: Barnes & Noble, Ebay, Booklooker, Betterworldbooks, MercadoLibre, and many more (search "gabriel pradiipaka" on all those websites).
  8. Enjoy!

01/13/2023 - BIG NEWS: Read here!

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  1. Was I doing nothing?: NO, I finished my translation of Tantrasāra's Chapter 11 and Chapter 12 in English.
  2. The translation of the monster Chapter 13 —dealing with initiation into discipline— in English already began!
  3. My wife and collaborator, Natalia Ambikā, finished translating the Tantrasāra's Chapter 10 into Russian! Very good!
  4. I continue with my on-line satsaṅga-s every weekend. Now I am explaining my own book: "Spirituality - Volume 1". I add a new ~1 hour video every week to the "Spirituality - Volume 1" playlist on my YouTube channel. So far the playlist contains 11 videos. Check it out! — Our satsaṅga-s are held every Saturday at 4 pm (Moscow time) and they last around two hours. Do you want to participate? Just two requirements: (1) Very fluent English, and (2) your Skype ID (click on CONTACT above, in the navigation bar, to send me an email with your Skype ID and a message describing who you are). Satsaṅga-s are, of course, for free.
  5. Although is the central headquarters for all my books, they are also available at: Barnes & Noble, Ebay, Booklooker, Betterworldbooks, MercadoLibre, and many more (search "gabriel pradiipaka" on all those websites).
  6. Enjoy!

01/01/2023 - NEW YEAR: More news!

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  1. I finished my translation of Tantrasāra's Chapter 10 in English. A short chapter indeed, but complicated to translate.
  2. The translation of Chapter 11 in English already started!
  3. When I finish my English translation of Tantrasāra completely, I will add translations in Spanish.
  4. My wife and collaborator finished translating the Meditation FAQ into Russian! Long FAQ really (and still in progress). Great effort!
  5. I continue with my on-line satsaṅga-s every weekend. Now I am explaining my own book: "Spirituality - Volume 1". I add a new ~1 hour video every week to the "Spirituality - Volume 1" playlist on my YouTube channel. So far the playlist contains 10 videos. Check it out!
  6. Although is the central headquarters for all my books, they are also available at: Barnes & Noble, Ebay, Booklooker, Betterworldbooks, MercadoLibre, and many more (search "gabriel pradiipaka" on all those websites).
  7. Enjoy!

12/20/2022 - MORE STUFF: Read here!

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  1. I finished my translation of Tantrasāra's Chapter 9 in English. A long and complex chapter indeed. You can enjoy it!
  2. Moving now to chapter 10 fast. I will be uploading updates in English soon. When I finish my English translation of Tantrasāra completely, I will add translations in Spanish.
  3. My wife and collaborator finished translating into Russian the following chapter in Tantrasāra: Chapter 22. She also translated the Trika FAQ and the whole Website Tour. Thanks to her vigorous work, now Russia is "second" in 2022 regarding number of website visitors, only behind USA. Congratulations!
  4. I continue with my on-line satsaṅga-s every weekend. Now I am explaining my own book: "Spirituality - Volume 1". I add a new ~1 hour video every week to the "Spirituality - Volume 1" playlist on my YouTube channel. So far the playlist contains 8 videos. Check it out!
  5. Although is the central headquarters for all my books, they are also available at: Barnes & Noble, Ebay, Booklooker, Betterworldbooks, MercadoLibre, and many more (search "gabriel pradiipaka" on all those websites).
  6. Enjoy!

11/16/2022 - MASSIVE UPDATE: Read here!

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  1. Massive update: I published 252 new pages (42 pages x 6 languages). Firstly, I mounted 54 pages (9 pages x 6 languages) containing the whole Pāṇini's Aṣṭādhyāyī (3983 aphorisms). Secondly, I mounted 198 pages (33 pages x 6 languages) containing the same scripture but with a rather complete explanation. Of course, I will be translating and explaining Aṣṭādhyāyī little by little over the months or years (especially because of the explanations, which will be huge sometimes), but now the whole framework to do so is completely ready.
  2. Pāṇini's Aṣṭādhyāyī: I started in English with the Chapter 1. I will be updating it regularly.
  3. I also continue with my work on Tantrasāra's Chapter 9 in English. I am updating it regularly too.
  4. My wife and collaborator finished translating into Russian the following chapters in Tantrasāra: Chapter 6, chapter 7 and chapter 8. Fantastic!
  5. I continue with my on-line satsaṅga-s every weekend. Now I am explaining my own book: "Spirituality - Volume 1". I add a new ~1 hour video every week to the "Spirituality - Volume 1" playlist on my YouTube channel. So far the playlist contains 3 videos. Check it out!
  6. Although is the central headquarters for all my books, they are also available at: Barnes & Noble, Ebay, Booklooker, Betterworldbooks, MercadoLibre, and many more (search "gabriel pradiipaka" on all those websites).
  7. Enjoy!

10/21/2022 - Aṣṭādhyāyī: Read here!

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  1. Front page in Pāṇini's Aṣṭādhyāyī has been published! The whole scripture contains 8 chapters containing 351, 268, 631, 635, 564, 736, 438 and 369 aphorisms, respectively, totaling 3992. In turn, each of those chapters is divided into four subchapters. The writing style is, anyway, very concise. Why? Because those 3992 aphorisms were supposed to be memorized by apprentices of Sanskrit grammar. So, Pāṇini tried to write so briefly as possible in order to make memorization any simpler. Of course, that brevity made the aphorisms more cryptic!
  2. In Abhinavagupta's Tantrasāra: Chapter 7 and chapter 8 are fully available now in English (though no polishing so far). Chapter 9's English translation is in progress right now!
  3. Translations to Spanish and other languages are in process.
  4. My wife and collaborator, Natalia Ambikā, was translating hard again in Russian language!: Tantrasāra's chapter 4 and chapter 5. VERY WELL!
  5. I continue with my on-line satsaṅga-s every weekend. Now I am explaining my own Trikamukhyamatāni (Main Tenets of Trika Shaivism). I add a new ~1 hour video every week to the Trikamukhyamatāni playlist on my YouTube channel. So far the playlist contains 19 videos, i.e. around 19 hours full of teachings. Check it out!
  6. Although is the central headquarters for all my books, they are also available at: Barnes & Noble, Ebay, Booklooker, Betterworldbooks, MercadoLibre, and many more (search "gabriel pradiipaka" on all those websites).
  7. Enjoy!

09/27/2022 - MORE NEWS: Read here!

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  1. In Abhinavagupta's Tantrasāra: Chapter 5, chapter 6 and chapter 22 are available now in English (though no polishing so far). Chapter 7's English translation is in progress (it started today)!
  2. Translations to Spanish and other languages are in process.
  3. My wife and collaborator, Natalia Ambikā, was on a translation spree again!: Tantrasāra's chapter 1, chapter 2 and chapter 3, along with chapter 1 in Tantrāloka (fully translated into Russian language). EXCELLENT!
  4. I continue with my on-line satsaṅga-s every weekend. Now I am explaining my own Trikamukhyamatāni (Main Tenets of Trika Shaivism). I add a new ~1 hour video every week to the Trikamukhyamatāni playlist on my YouTube channel. So far the playlist contains 16 videos, i.e. around 16 hours full of teachings. Check it out!
  5. Although is the central headquarters for all my books, they are also available at: Barnes & Noble, Ebay, Booklooker, Betterworldbooks, MercadoLibre, and many more (search "gabriel pradiipaka" on all those websites).
  6. Enjoy!

09/13/2022 - Chapter 4: Read here!

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  1. I published now the long fourth chapter in Abhinavagupta's Tantrasāra. It deals with a person who has attained the enlightenment of his own mind. He stays completely absorbed in the pure thought. This is Śāktopāya (the means of Śakti). When he finally understands that his mind is just Śakti (the Power of the Great Lord), then he is promoted to the higher level (a.k.a. Śāmbhavopāya).
  2. English speakers have also access to chapter 5 and chapter 22 (in progress both) in Tantrasāra, as well as the 8th chapter in Tantrāloka. Translations to Spanish and other languages are in process.
  3. My wife and collaborator, Natalia Ambikā, was on a translation spree!: Bodhapañcadaśikā, Trikamukhyamatāni, Kalpanāṣaṭkam and chapter 1 in Tantrāloka (the latter is work in progress yet). VERY WELL!
  4. Moreover, I continue with my on-line satsaṅga-s every weekend. Now I am explaining my own Trikamukhyamatāni (Main Tenets of Trika Shaivism). I add a new ~1 hour video every week to the Trikamukhyamatāni playlist on my YouTube channel. So far the playlist contains 14 videos, i.e. around 14 hours full of teachings. Also, our collaborator, Ivan, has added "polished" subtitles in English in the first three videos there. Check it out!
  5. Although is the central headquarters for all my books, they are also available at: Barnes & Noble, Ebay, Booklooker, Betterworldbooks, MercadoLibre, and many more (search "gabriel pradiipaka" on all those websites).
  6. Enjoy!

08/30/2022 - NEWS: Read here!

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  1. My wife, Natalia Ambikā, finished her translation into Russian up to the stanza 105 in Abhinavagupta's Paramārthasāra. With this, she has completely finished translating the venerable scripture from English into Russian. It has taken months of hard effort indeed. Far from taking a deserved rest, she is already working on her next translation. CONGRATULATIONS!
  2. I published now the long third chapter in Abhinavagupta's Tantrasāra. It deals with a person who has attained the dissolution of his own mind. He can stay at will with his mind completely arrested. This is Śāmbhavopāya (the means of Śambhu). Liberation is here practically on the palm of your hand.
  3. I am already starting my translation of the "longer" fourth chapter. To translate Abhinavagupta's scriptures is always uphill. It is very heavy as the sage is extremely scholarly and... confusing too. And do not expect him to be didactic or something. If to read Abhinavagupta's stuff is already a hard task, you can imagine how hard is to translate his writings from Sanskrit. I do not wish this on anyone, really, and I am not joking. I have headaches many times because of him. Other symptoms that you are translating Abhinavagupta's stuff is that things begin to get broken around you (Tantrasāra was NO exception), and sometimes people die, or you experience some other mysterious mishaps happening exactly when you start to translate Abhinavagupta's writings. This is very normal and again I am not joking. That is why to deal with the energy contained in his books is a pain always. Kind of radioactivity. For all that, I am not certainly in love with translating his scriptures. I never revealed this before, but I am doing it right now. I only make this great effort now for the sake of my own disciples, as I said before in a previous news.
  4. Although is the central headquarters for all my books, they are also available at: Barnes & Noble, Ebay, Booklooker, Betterworldbooks, MercadoLibre, and many more (search "gabriel pradiipaka" on all those websites).
  5. Enjoy!

08/23/2022 - NEWS: Read here!

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  1. As I promised, I started to publish my own writings in Sanskrit at "Scripture/Gurujī's writings" (check the accordion menu on the right, please). The first two writings I added are: Kalpanāṣaṭkam (Six stanzas about imagination) and Trikamukhyamatāni (Main tenets of Trika Shaivism). I am very happy with sharing my simple writings with the whole world!
  2. My wife, Natalia Ambikā, finished her translation into Russian up to the stanza 99 in Abhinavagupta's Paramārthasāra. She is now very near the end of the scripture, which consists of 105 stanzas. Great job, as usual!
  3. Although is the central headquarters for all my books, they are also available at: Barnes & Noble, Ebay, Booklooker, Betterworldbooks, MercadoLibre, and many more (search "gabriel pradiipaka" on all those websites).
  4. Enjoy!
