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Aṣṭādhyāyī (Ashtadhyayi)
Писание, состоящее из восьми глав
Only active links appear in dark orange bold letters in the above index |
8 transcribed documents out of 8 documents |
0 translated documents out of 8 documents |
3983 transcribed aphorisms out of 3983 aphorisms - (percentage: 100%) |
0 translated aphorisms out of 3983 aphorisms - (percentage: 0%) |
The Aṣṭādhyāyī (lit. a book containing eight "adhyāya-s" or "chapters") is the corner stone of Sanskrit grammar. It was composed by the greatest Sanskrit grammarian of all time: Pāṇini --English version is more complete-- (who lived in India around 500BCE). I could write a long introduction to this scripture —I could speak about markers, pratyāhāra-s, anubandha-s, etc.—, but it would be unnecessary because there is already a good article in Wikipedia (English version is more complete, check it out if you know this language) about it. The only difference I have with that article is that they counted 3996 aphorisms while I counted 3983. All in all, in the Sanskrit universe we say that Sanskrit grammar contains ~4000 rules (3996 or 3983) because this is the number of aphorisms in this sacred scripture.
As this is a translation only, I cannot be explaining every cryptic aphorism in detail. For a rather complete explanation, check here: Aṣṭādhyāyī - Explanation.
Let the holy Aṣṭādhyāyī begin!
Further Information
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