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Bullets for Masculine (. - black), Feminine (. - red) and Masculine/Feminine (. - orange) names
The list is in Sanskrit alphabetical order (see the alphabet here). Abbreviations m. and f. = masculine and feminine. Red transliteration (in brackets) follows the ITRANS encoding scheme, see here. You can use Itranslator 99 along with your chosen name in ITRANS to get "marvelous results". See how here.

 Names beginning with "JA" and "JHA" (1)

First page

  1. Jagatkartā (jagatkartA) (जगत्कर्ता) m.: Creator of the world - Epithet for Brahmā, the celebrated creator en the well-known trilogy. [brahmA]
  2. Jagatpati (jagatpati) (जगत्पति) m.: Lord of the world.
  3. Jagatparāyaṇa (jagatparAyaNa) (जगत्परायण) m., Jagatparāyaṇā (jagatparAyaNA) (जगत्परायणा) f.: Chief of the world - Epithet for Viṣṇu [Jagatparāyaṇa].  [viSNu]
  4. Jagatpitā (jagatpitA) (जगत्पिता) m.: Father of the world - Epithet for Śiva.  [shiva]
  5. Jagatprabhu (jagatprabhu) (जगत्प्रभु) m.: Lord of the world.
  6. Jagatprāṇa (jagatprANa) (जगत्प्राण) m.: Breath of the world - Epithet for the wind.
  7. Jagatprīti (jagatprIti) (जगत्प्रीति) f.: Joy of the world.
  8. Jagatsākṣī (jagatsAkSI) (जगत्साक्षी) m.: One who is a world-witness - Epithet for the sun.
  9. Jagatsraṣṭā (jagatsraSTA) (जगत्स्रष्टा) m.: Creator of the world - Epithet for Śiva. [shiva]
  10. Jagatsvāmī (jagatsvAmI) (जगत्स्वामी) m.: Master of the world.
  11. Jagadantarātmā (jagadantarAtmA) (जगदन्तरात्मा) m.: The inner Self of the world - Epithet for Viṣṇu. [viSNu]
  12. Jagadambā (jagadambA) (जगदम्बा) f.: Mother of the world - Epithet for the Supreme Śakti or Power. [shakti]
  13. Jagadambikā (jagadambikA) (जगदम्बिका) f.: Mother of the world - Epithet for the Supreme Śakti or Power. [shakti]
  14. Jagadatmā (jagadAtmA) (जगदात्मा) m.: Breath of the world - Epithet for the wind.
  15. Jagadādija (jagadAdija) (जगदादिज) m.: One who is the first-born of the world - Epithet for Śiva. [shiva]
  16. Jagadīśa (jagadIsha) (जगदीश) m.: Lord of the world - Epithet for Brahmā, the celebrated creator in the well-known trilogy. [brahmA]
  17. Jagadīśitā (jagadIshitA) (जगदीशिता) m.: Lord of the world - Epithet for Śiva. [shiva]
  18. Jagadīśvara (jagadIshvara) (जगदीश्वर) m.: Lord of the world - Epithet for Śiva. [shiva]
  19. Jagadekacakṣus (jagadekacakSus) (जगदेकचक्षुस्) m.: One who is the only eye of the world - Epithet for the sun.
  20. Jagaddīpa (jagaddIpa) (जगद्दीप) m.: One who illuminates the world - Epithet for the sun.

to be continued

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