Names beginning with "GA" and "GHA" (1)
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- Gaganapriya (gaganapriya) (गगनप्रिय) m.: One who is fond of the sky.
- Gaganavihārī (gaganavihArI) (गगनविहारी) m., Gaganavihāriṇī (gaganavihAriNI) (गगनविहारिणी) f.: One who roams or strolls in the sky - Epithet for the moon (Gaganavihārī).
- Gaganasparśana (gaganasparshana) (गगनस्पर्शन) m.: One who touches the sky - Epithet for one of the Marut-s, the celebrated storm-gods. [marut]
- Gaganādhvaga (gaganAdhvaga) (गगनाध्वग) m.: One who wanders in the sky - Epithet for the sun.
- Gaṅgā (gaN^gA) (गङ्गा) f.: One who goes fast - Name of the river Ganges.
- Gaṅgāja (gaN^gAja) (गङ्गाज) m.: One who is born from Gaṅgā or Ganges - Epithet for Kārttikeya, one of the two sons of Śiva. [kArttikeya - shiva]
- Gaṅgādhara (gaN^gAdhara) (गङ्गाधर) m.: One who receives the river Ganges - Epithet for the ocean.
- Gaṅgāputra (gaN^gAputra) (गङ्गापुत्र) m.: Son of Gaṅgā or Ganges - Epithet for Bhīṣma, the celebrated half-brother of Vedavyāsa. In this case, Gaṅgā was the wife of king Śāntanu. [bhISma - vedavyAsa - gaN^gA - shAntanu]
- Gaṅgābhṛt (gaN^gAbhR^it) (गङ्गाभृत्) m.: One who bears or carries the river Ganges - Epithet for Śiva. [shiva]
- Gaṅgāsuta (gaN^gAsuta) (गङ्गासुत) m.: Son of Gaṅgā or Ganges - Epithet for both Kārttikeya and Bhīṣma. [gaN^gA - kArttikeya - bhISma]
- Gaṅgāsūnu (gaN^gAsUnu) (गङ्गासूनु) m.: Son of Gaṅgā or Ganges - Epithet for Bhīṣma, the celebrated half-brother of Vedavyāsa. In this case, Gaṅgā was the wife of king Śāntanu. [gaN^gA - bhISma - vedavyAsa - shAntanu]
- Gaja (gaja) (गज) m.: Elephant.
- Gajakarṇa (gajakarNa) (गजकर्ण) m.: One who is elephant-eared.
- Gajakūrmāśī (gajakUrmAshI) (गजकूर्माशी) m.: One who eats an elephant and a tortoise - Epithet for Garuḍa, the celebrated eagle serving as vehicle of Lord Viṣṇu. [garuDa - viSNu]
- Gajadanta (gajadanta) (गजदन्त) m.: One who is elephant-tusked - Epithet for Gaṇeśa, one of the two sons of Śiva. [gaNesha - shiva]
- Gajadaityabhit (gajadaityabhit) (गजदैत्यभित्) m.: One who conquers the daitya or demon Gaja - Epithet for Lord Śiva. [gaja - shiva]
- Gajamukha (gajamukha) (गजमुख) m.: One who is elephant-faced - Epithet for Gaṇeśa, one of the two sons of Śiva. [gaNesha - shiva]
- Gajaśirās (gajashirAs) (गजशिरास्) m.: One who is elephant-headed.
- Gajaśīrṣa (gajashIrSa) (गजशीर्ष) m.: One who is elephant-headed.
- Gajaskandha (gajaskandha) (गजस्कन्ध) m.: One who has shoulders like an elephant.
- Gajāgraṇī (gajAgraNI) (गजाग्रणी) m.: The best of the elephants - Epithet for Airāvata, the renowned Indra's elephant. [airAvata - indra]
- Gajāsuhṛt (gajAsuhR^it) (गजासुहृत्) m.: Enemy of the demon Gaja - Epithet for Śiva. [gaja - shiva]
- Gajekṣaṇa (gajekSaNa) (गजेक्षण) m.: One who has eyes like an elephant.
- Gajendrakarṇa (gajendrakarNa) (गजेन्द्रकर्ण) m.: One who has ears like Gajendra, the chief of the elephants - Epithet for Śiva. [gajendra - shiva]
- Gajodara (gajodara) (गजोदर) m.: One who has a belly like an elephant.
- Gaṇanātha (gaNanAtha) (गणनाथ) m.: Lord of the Gaṇa or troop of demigods serving as attendants - Epithet for Śiva. [gaNa - shiva]
- Gaṇanāyaka (gaNanAyaka) (गणनायक) m.: Leader of the troop of demigods serving as Śiva's attendants - Epithet for Gaṇeśa, one of the two sons of Śiva. [gaNesha - shiva]
- Gaṇapa (gaNapa) (गणप) m.: One who guards or rules the troop of demigods serving as Śiva's attendants - Epithet for Gaṇeśa, one of the two sons of Śiva. [gaNesha - shiva]
- Gaṇapati (gaNapati) (गणपति) m.: Leader of the troop of demigods serving as Śiva's attendants - Epithet for Gaṇeśa, one of the two sons of Śiva. [gaNesha - shiva]
- Gaṇaparvata (gaNaparvata) (गणपर्वत) m.: A mountain frequented by the troop of demigods serving as Śiva's attendants - Epithet for Kailāsa, in which Lord Śiva and his attendants reside. [kailAsa - shiva]
- Gaṇavatīsuta (gaNavatIsuta) (गणवतीसुत) m.: Son of Gaṇavatī - Epithet for the celebrated sage and physician known as Divodāsa. [gaNavatI - divodAsa]
- Gaṇāgraṇī (gaNAgraNI) (गणाग्रणी) m.: Leader of the troop of demigods serving as Śiva's attendants - Epithet for Gaṇeśa, one of the two sons of Śiva. [gaNesha - shiva]
- Gaṇādhipa (gaNAdhipa) (गणाधिप) m.: Chief of the troop of demigods serving as Śiva's attendants - Epithet for Gaṇeśa, one of the two sons of Śiva. [gaNesha - shiva]
- Gaṇādhipati (gaNAdhipati) (गणाधिपति) m.: Chief of the troop of demigods serving as Śiva's attendants - Epithet for Gaṇeśa, one of the two sons of Śiva. [gaNesha - shiva]
- Gaṇeśa (gaNesha) (गणेश) m.: Lord of the Gaṇa or troop of demigods serving as attendants - Name of one of the two Śiva's sons. [gaNa - shiva]
- Gaṇanāpati (gaNanApati) (गणनापति) m.: Master of calculation - Epithet for Gaṇeśa. [gaNesha]
- Gati (gati) (गति) f.: Motion.
- Gada (gada) (गद) m.: "Sentence" as well as "disease" - Name of the younger brother of Kṛṣṇa. [kR^iSNa]
- Gadayitnu (gadayitnu) (गदयित्नु) m.: Talkative, lustful, sound, bow - Epithet for Kāmadeva, the god of love. [kAmadeva]
- Gadāgraja (gadAgraja) (गदाग्रज) m.: Elder brother of Gada - Epithet for Kṛṣṇa. [gada - kR^iSNa]
- Gadādhara (gadAdhara) (गदाधर) m.: One who bears a club - Epithet for Kṛṣṇa. [kR^iSNa]
- Gadābhṛt (gadAbhR^it) (गदाभृत्) m.: One who bears a club - Epithet for Kṛṣṇa. [kR^iSNa]
- Gadī (gadI) (गदी) m.: One who is armed with a club - Epithet for Kṛṣṇa. [kR^iSNa]
- Gandhadhārī (gandhadhArI) (गन्धधारी) m.: One who possesses scents or perfumes - Epithet for Śiva. [shiva]
- Gandhapālī (gandhapAlI) (गन्धपाली) m.: One who protects or preserves scents or perfumes - Epithet for Śiva. [shiva]
- Gandhamādana (gandhamAdana) (गन्धमादन) m.: One who intoxicates with scent or perfume.
- Gandhamālī (gandhamAlI) (गन्धमाली) m.: One who has perfumed garlands.
- Gandhavaha (gandhavaha) (गन्धवह) m., Gandhavahā (gandhavahA) (गन्धवहा) f.: One who bears perfumes - Epithet for the wind (gandhavaha).
- Gandhecchā (gandhecChA) (गन्धेच्छा) f.: One who wishes or desires perfumes.
- Gabhasti (gabhasti) (गभस्ति) m.: "A ray of light" as well "the sun".
- Gabhastipāṇi (gabhastipANi) (गभस्तिपाणि) m.: One whose hands are rays - Epithet for the sun.
- Gabhastimān (gabhastimAn) (गभस्तिमान्) m., Gabhastimatī (gabhastimatI) (गभस्तिमती) f.: One who shines - Epithet for the sun (gabhastimān).
- Gabhastimālī (gabhastimAlI) (गभस्तिमाली) m.: One who has garlands of rays - Epithet for the sun.
- Gabhīra (gabhIra) (गभीर) m., Gabhīrā (gabhIrA) (गभीरा) f.: Deep, deep in sound, inscrutable.
- Gambhīra (gambhIra) (गम्भीर) m., Gambhīrā (gambhIrA) (गम्भीरा) f.: Deep, deep in sound, inscrutable.
- Gambhīranirghoṣa (gambhIranirghoSa) (गम्भीरनिर्घोष) f.: One who is deep-sounded.
- Gambhīraśaṁsa (gambhIrashaMsa) (गम्भीरशंस) m.: One who rules secretly - Epithet for Varuṇa, god of waters, specially rain. [varuNa]
- Gambhīraśīla (gambhIrashIla) (गम्भीरशील) m.: One who has a profound character.
- Gambhīrasvāmī (gambhIrasvAmI) (गम्भीरस्वामी) m.: Inscrutable lord.
- Gaya (gaya) (गय) m.: Anything that can be conquered or acquired (house, cattle, etc.).
- Garuḍa (garuDa) (गरुड) m.: Devourer - Name of the celebrated eagle serving as vehicle of Lord Viṣṇu. [viSNu]
- Garuḍaketu (garuDaketu) (गरुडकेतु) m.: One who has Garuḍa as symbol or ensign - Epithet for Viṣṇu. [garuDa - viSNu]
- Garuḍadhvaja (garuDadhvaja) (गरुडध्वज) m.: One who has Garuḍa in its ensign - Epithet for the chariot of Lord Kṛṣṇa. [garuDa - kR^iSNa]
- Garuḍāgraja (garuDAgraja) (गरुडाग्रज) m.: The elder brother of Garuḍa - Epithet for Arjuna. [garuDa - arjuna]
- Garteśa (gartesha) (गर्तेश) m.: One who is master of a cave.
- Gardabharūpa (gardabharUpa) (गर्दभरूप) m.: One who is donkey-shaped.
- Gardabhākṣa (gardabhAkSa) (गर्दभाक्ष) m.: One who has eyes like a donkey.
- Garbha (garbha) (गर्भ) m.: Womb, embryo.
- Garvarī (garvarI) (गर्वरी) f.: Haughty.
- Girikṣit (girikSit) (गिरिक्षित्) m., Girikṣit (girikSit) (गिरिक्षित्) f.: One who lives in mountains.
- Giricakravartī (giricakravartI) (गिरिचक्रवर्ती) m.: King of mountains - Epithet for Himavān, the father of Pārvatī, the second wife of Śiva. [himavAn - pArvatI - shiva]
- Girijā (girijA) (गिरिजा) f.: One who was born on a mountain - Epithet for Pārvatī, the second wife of Śiva. [pArvatI - shiva]
- Giribāndhava (giribAndhava) (गिरिबान्धव) m.: One who is a friend of mountains - Epithet for Śiva. [shiva]
- Giribhū (giribhU) (गिरिभू) f.: One who was born on a mountain - Epithet for Pārvatī, the second wife of Śiva. [pArvatI - shiva]
- Girirājakumāra (girirAjakumAra) (गिरिराजकुमार) m.: Prince of mountains.
- Giriśa (girisha) (गिरिश) m.: One who inhabits mountains - Epithet for Śiva. [shiva]
- Giriśarmā (girisharmA) (गिरिशर्मा) m.: One whose refuge or shelter is a mountain.
- Girisuta (girisuta) (गिरिसुत) m., Girisutā (girisutA) (गिरिसुता) f.: Son/daughter of a mountain - Epithet for Pārvatī (girisutā), the second wife of Lord Śiva. [pArvatI - shiva]
- Girīndra (girIndra) (गिरीन्द्र) m.: Lord of mountains - Epithet for Śiva. [shiva]
- Girīśa (girIsha) (गिरीश) m.: Lord of mountains - Epithet for Śiva. [shiva]
- Gītapriyā (gItapriyA) (गीतप्रिया) f.: One who is fond of songs.
- Guṇakāra (guNakAra) (गुणकार) m.: One who prepares side-dishes - Epithet for Bhīma, one of the 5 Pāṇḍava-s (the names of the remaining four brothers are as follows: Yudhiṣṭhira, Arjuna, Sahadeva and Nakula. [bhIma - pANDava - yudhiSThira - arjuna - sahadeva - nakula]
- Guṇakāraka (guNakAraka) (गुणकारक) m.: One who prepares side-dishes - Epithet for Bhīma, one of the 5 Pāṇḍava-s (the names of the remaining four brothers are as follows: Yudhiṣṭhira, Arjuna, Sahadeva and Nakula. [bhIma - pANDava - yudhiSThira - arjuna - sahadeva - nakula]
- Guṇamukhyā (guNamukhyA) (गुणमुख्या) f.: One who is superior due to her good qualities.
- Guṇarāśi (guNarAshi) (गुणराशि) m.: One who has a great deal of qualities - Epithet for Śiva. [shiva]
- Guṇasāgara (guNasAgara) (गुणसागर) m.: One who is an ocean of good qualities - Epithet for Brahmā. [brahmA]
- Guṇākara (guNAkara) (गुणाकर) m.: One who is a mine of merits and good qualities - Epithet for Śiva. [shiva]
- Guṇādhya (guNAdhya) (गुणाध्य) m., Guṇādhyā (guNAdhyA) (गुणाध्या) f.: One who is rich in good qualities.
- Guṇādhipa (guNAdhipa) (गुणाधिप) m.: One who is a lord of good qualities.
- Guṇābdhi (guNAbdhi) (गुणाब्धि) m.: One who is an ocean of virtues.
- Guṇeśa (guNesha) (गुणेश) m.: Lord of the three Guṇa-s or qualities of Prakṛti (the origin of matter). [guNa - prakR^iti]
- Guṇeśvara (guNeshvara) (गुणेश्वर) m.: Lord of the three Guṇa-s or qualities of Prakṛti (the origin of matter). [guNa - prakR^iti]
- Guptacara (guptacara) (गुप्तचर) m.: One who moves secretly - Epithet for Balarāma, brother of Kṛṣṇa. [balarAma - kR^iSNa]
- Gurubhāra (gurubhAra) (गुरुभार) m.: One who is of heavy weight.
- Guha (guha) (गुह) m.: One who is raised or brought up in a secret place - Epithet for Kārttikeya, one of the two sons of Śiva. [kArttikeya - shiva]
- Guhagupta (guhagupta) (गुहगुप्त) m.: One who is protected by Kārttikeya, one of the two sons of Śiva. [kArttikeya - shiva]
- Guhapriyā (guhapriyA) (गुहप्रिया) f.: One who is fond of Guha [i.e. one who is fond of Kārttikeya, one of the two sons of Śiva]. [guha - kArttikeya - shiva]
- Guhāśaya (guhAshaya) (गुहाशय) m., Guhāśayā (guhAshayA) (गुहाशया) f.: One who dwells or resides in secret places or caverns.
- Guheśvara (guheshvara) (गुहेश्वर) m.: One who is a lord of secret places or caverns.
- Guhyakālī (guhyakAlI) (गुह्यकाली) f.: The mysterious and mystical goddess Kālī. [kAlI]
- Guhyaguru (guhyaguru) (गुह्यगुरु) m.: The mysterious and mystical Guru or spiritual preceptor - Epithet for Śiva. [guru - shiva]
- Guhyadevī (guhyadevI) (गुह्यदेवी) f.: The mysterious and mystical goddess.
- Guhyapati (guhyapati) (गुह्यपति) m.: One who is a mysterious and mystical lord.
- Guhyakādhipati (guhyakAdhipati) (गुह्यकाधिपति) m.: The lord of Guhyaka-s [the celebrated attendants of the god Kubera] - Epithet for Kubera, the god of riches and treasures. [guhyaka - kubera]
- Gṛtsamati (gR^itsamati) (गृत्समति) m.: One who is clever-minded.
- Gṛdhra (gR^idhra) (गृध्र) m.: Vulture.
- Gṛdhrakūṭa (gR^idhrakUTa) (गृध्रकूट) m.: Vulture-peak.
- Gṛdhrapattra (gR^idhrapattra) (गृध्रपत्त्र) m.: One who has feathers like a vulture.
- Gṛdhravaktrā (gR^idhravaktrA) (गृध्रवक्त्रा) f.: One whose face is like that of a vulture.
- Gṛdhreśvara (gR^idhreshvara) (गृध्रेश्वर) m.: Lord of vultures.
- Gṛhapati (gR^ihapati) (गृहपति) m.: Householder - Epithet for Agni. [agni]
- Geyarājā (geyarAjA) (गेयराजा) m.: One who is a king of songs.
- Gokarṇa (gokarNa) (गोकर्ण) m., Gokarṇā (gokarNA) (गोकर्णा) f.: One whose ears are like those of a cow.
- Gokuleśa (gokulesha) (गोकुलेश) f.: Lord of Gokula [a village on the banks of river Yamunā where Lord Kṛṣṇa was raised by Nanda and Yaśodā] - Epithet for Kṛṣṇa. [gokula - yamunA - kR^iSNa - nanda - yashodA]
- Gotama (gotama) (गोतम) f.: The best of cows - Epithet for the celebrated cow of the sage Vasiṣṭha. [vasiSTha]
- Gotrabhit (gotrabhit) (गोत्रभित्) m., Gotrabhit (gotrabhit) (गोत्रभित्) f.: One who splits clouds or mountains.
- Gotradari (gotradari) (गोत्रदरि) m., Gotradari (gotradari) (गोत्रदरि) f.: One who opens the stables of the heaven - Epithet for Indra. [indra]
- Gonarda (gonarda) (गोनर्द) m.: One who bellows like a bull - Epithet for Śiva. [shiva]
- Gopati (gopati) (गोपति) m.: Lord of cowherds - Epithet for Indra and Kṛṣṇa. [indra - kR^iSNa]
- Gopaticāpa (gopaticApa) (गोपतिचाप) m.: The bow of Gopati or Indra - Epithet for the rainbow.
- Gopatidhvaja (gopatidhvaja) (गोपतिध्वज) m.: One who has Gopati or Indra as ensign - Epithet for Śiva. [gopati - indra - shiva]
- Gopāla (gopAla) (गोपाल) m.: One who protects the cows (i.e. a cowherd) - Epithet for Kṛṣṇa. [kR^iSNa]
- Gopālaka (gopAlaka) (गोपालक) m.: One who protects the cows (i.e. a cowherd) - Epithet for Kṛṣṇa. [kR^iSNa]
- Gopī (gopI) (गोपी) f.: Milkmaid, cowherdess.
- Gopīnātha (gopInAtha) (गोपीनाथ) m.: Lord of the cowherdesses - Epithet for Kṛṣṇa. [kR^iSNa]
- Gopendra (gopendra) (गोपेन्द्र) m.: Chief of the herdsmen - Epithet for Kṛṣṇa. [kR^iSNa]
- Gopeśa (gopesha) (गोपेश) m.: Chief of the herdsmen - Epithet for Kṛṣṇa. [kR^iSNa]
- Gopratāra (gopratAra) (गोप्रतार) m.: One who conduces cattle across the water - Epithet for Śiva. [shiva]
- Gomahiṣadā (gomahiSadA) (गोमहिषदा) f.: One who gives cows and buffaloes.
- Gomātā (gomAtA) (गोमाता) m., Gomātrī (gomAtrI) (गोमात्री) f.: One who has a cow for mother - Epithet for the Marut-s, the storm-gods. [marut]
- Gomāyu (gomAyu) (गोमायु) m., Gomāyu (gomAyu) (गोमायु) f.: One who makes sounds like a cow.
- Gomukha (gomukha) (गोमुख) m.: One who has face like that of a cow.
- Gorakṣa (gorakSa) (गोरक्ष) m., Gorakṣā (gorakSA) (गोरक्षा) f.: Cowherd/cowherdess or protector of cows.
- Gorakṣanātha (gorakSanAtha) (गोरक्षनाथ) m.: Lord of the cowherds - Name of the celebrated haṭhayogī who, along with Matsyendranātha (his guru), compiled the Haṭhayoga science into its modern form. [haThayogI - matsyendranAtha - haThayoga]
- Goratha (goratha) (गोरथ) m.: One who has a cart drawn by cows.
- Gorāsya (gorAsya) (गोरास्य) m.: One who plays with cows - Epithet for Kṛṣṇa. [kR^iSNa]
- Govit (govit) (गोवित्) m., Govit (govit) (गोवित्) f.: One who acquires or procures cows - Epithet for Sahadeva, one of the five Pāṇḍava-s. [sahadeva - pANDava]
- Govinda (govinda) (गोविन्द) m.: One who acquires or procures cows - Epithet for Kṛṣṇa. [kR^iSNa]
- Govindanātha (govindanAtha) (गोविन्दनाथ) m.: Lord of those who acquire or procure cows.
- Govindanāyaka (govindanAyaka) (गोविन्दनायक) m.: Leader of those who acquire or procure cows.
- Govṛṣa (govR^iSa) (गोवृष) m.: Bull - Epithet for Śiva. [shiva]
- Govṛṣadhvaja (govR^iSadhvaja) (गोवृषध्वज) m.: One who has a bull as symbol - Epithet for Śiva. [shiva]
- Govṛṣabhāṅka (govR^iSabhAN^ka) (गोवृषभाङ्क) m.: One who has the marks of a bull - Epithet for Śiva. [shiva]
- Gośāla (goshAla) (गोशाल) m.: One who is born in a cow-stall.
- Gośīrṣa (goshIrSa) (गोशीर्ष) m.: One whose head is like that of a cow.
- Gosvāmī (gosvAmI) (गोस्वामी) m.: One who is a master of cows (philosophically, "go" mean "senses" as well as "mind", and thus the translation would be "master of the senses" or "master of mind") - Epithet for Kṛṣṇa. [kR^iSNa]
to be continued
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