Gurugītā (Гуругита) - Длинная версия - Часть 1
Строфы 1 - 60
Only active links appear in bold letters in the above index |
All that is in brackets and italicized within the translation has been added by me in order to complete the sense of a particular phrase or sentence. In turn, all that is between double hyphen (--...--) constitutes clarifying further information also added by me. I will add concise notes only if indispensable because in the commentary on Gurugītā you will find a detailed explanation of this text which includes alternative possible translations of some passages and similar stuff.
Stanzas 1-10
॥ प्रथमोऽध्यायः॥
अचिन्त्याव्यक्तरूपाय निर्गुणाय गणात्मने।
समस्तजगदाधारमूर्तये ब्रह्मणे नमः॥१॥
Acintyāvyaktarūpāya nirguṇāya gaṇātmane|
Samastajagadādhāramūrtaye brahmaṇe namaḥ||1||
The venerable Song about the Guru
||First (prathamaḥ) lesson (adhyāyaḥ)||
Salutation (namaḥ) to Brahma --the Absolute-- (brahmaṇe) who is devoid of attributes or qualities (nirguṇāya), whose form (mūrtaye) is the support (ādhāra) of the whole (samasta) world (jagat), whose essence (ātmane) is common to all (gaṇa), (and) whose nature (rūpāya) (is) inconceivable (acintya) (and) not manifest (avyakta)||1||
ऋषय ऊचुः।
सूत सूत महाप्राज्ञ निगमागमपारगम्।
गुरुस्वरूपमस्माकं ब्रूहि सर्वमलापहम्॥२॥
Ṛṣaya ūcuḥ|
Sūta sūta mahāprājña nigamāgamapāragam|
Gurusvarūpamasmākaṁ brūhi sarvamalāpaham||2||
The seers (ṛṣayaḥ) said (ūcuḥ):
Oh Sūta (sūta), Sūta (sūta), oh great (mahā) sage (prājña)!, tell (brūhi) us (asmākam) about the essential nature (sva-rūpam) of the Guru (guru), which is fully conversant (pāragam) with Āgama (āgama) (and) Nigama (nigama), (and) repels (apaham) all (sarva) impurities (mala)||2||
यस्य श्रवणमात्रेण देही दुःखाद्विमुच्यते।
येन मार्गेण मुनयः सर्वज्ञत्वं प्रपेदिरे॥३॥
Yasya śravaṇamātreṇa dehī duḥkhādvimucyate|
Yena mārgeṇa munayaḥ sarvajñatvaṁ prapedire||3||
(Tell us about the essential nature of the Guru,) by merely (mātreṇa) hearing (śravaṇa) of which (yasya), an incarnate being (dehī) is completely released (vimucyate) from pain (duḥkhāt), (and) by which (yena), as if it were a path (mārgeṇa), the sages (munayaḥ) attained (prapedire) omniscience (sarvajñatvam)||3||
यत्प्राप्य न पुनर्याति नरः संसारबन्धनम्।
तथाविधं परं तत्त्वं वक्तव्यमधुना त्वया॥४॥
Yatprāpya na punaryāti naraḥ saṁsārabandhanam|
Tathāvidhaṁ paraṁ tattvaṁ vaktavyamadhunā tvayā||4||
(Tell us about the essential nature of the Guru,) having obtained (prāpya) which (yad), man (naraḥ) does not (na) get tied (yāti... bandhanam) to Saṁsāra or Transmigration (saṁsāra) again (punar). Now (adhunā), you must speak (vaktavyam... tvayā) of the Highest (para) Principle (tattvam) endowed with such qualities (tathāvidham)||4||
गुह्याद्गुह्यतमं सारं गुरुगीता विशेषतः।
त्वत्प्रसादाच्च श्रोतव्या तत्सर्वं ब्रूहि सूत नः॥५॥
Guhyādguhyatamaṁ sāraṁ gurugītā viśeṣataḥ|
Tvatprasādācca śrotavyā tatsarvaṁ brūhi sūta naḥ||5||
And (ca) by means of your (tvat) secret (guhyāt) favor (prasādāt), the most mysterious and concealed (guhyatamam) quintessence (sāram) (known as) Gurugītā (gurugītā) (is) specially (viśeṣataḥ) worth being heard (śrotavyā). Oh Sūta (sūta), tell (brūhi) us (nas) about all (sarvam) that (tad)||5||
इति सम्प्रार्थितः सूतो मुनिसङ्घैर्मुहुर्मुहुः।
कुतूहलेन महता प्रोवाच मधुरं वचः॥६॥
Iti samprārthitaḥ sūto munisaṅghairmuhurmuhuḥ|
Kutūhalena mahatā provāca madhuraṁ vacaḥ||6||
Sūta (sūtaḥ), being thus requested (iti samprārthitaḥ) over and over again (muhur muhur) by the multitudes (saṅghaiḥ) of sages (muni) (who were) greatly (mahatā) interested (in those extraordinary matters) (kutūhalena), spoke (provāca) (these) sweet (madhuram) words (vacaḥ) (to them)||6||
सूत उवाच।
श्रुणुध्वं मुनयः सर्वे श्रद्धया परया मुदा।
वदामि भवरोगघ्नीं गीतां मातृस्वरूपिणीम्॥७॥
Sūta uvāca
Śruṇudhvaṁ munayaḥ sarve śraddhayā parayā mudā|
Vadāmi bhavarogaghnīṁ gītāṁ mātṛsvarūpiṇīm||7||
Sūta (sūtaḥ) said (uvāca):
All of you (sarve), oh sages (munayaḥ), listen up (śruṇudhvam) with the highest (parayā) faith (śraddhayā) (and) joy (mudā). (Now,) I am going to speak (vadāmi) of the Song (gītām) which removes (ghnīm) the disease (roga) called Bhava --i.e. Saṁsāra or Transmigration-- (bhava), (and) whose nature --i.e. the Gurugītā's nature-- (sva-rūpiṇīm) is (like that of) a mother (mātṛ)||7||
पुरा कैलासशिखरे सिद्धगन्धर्वसेविते।
तत्र कल्पलतापुष्पमन्दिरेऽत्यन्तसुन्दरे॥८॥
व्याघ्राजिने समासीनं शुकादिमुनिवन्दितम्।
बोधयन्तं परं तत्त्वं मध्ये मुनिगणे क्वचित्॥९॥
प्रणम्रवदना शश्वन्नमस्कुर्वन्तमादरात्।
दृष्ट्वा विस्मयमापन्ना पार्वती परिपृच्छति॥१०॥
Purā kailāsaśikhare siddhagandharvasevite|
Tatra kalpalatāpuṣpamandire'tyantasundare||8||
Vyāghrājine samāsīnaṁ śukādimunivanditam|
Bodhayantaṁ paraṁ tattvaṁ madhye munigaṇe kvacit||9||
Praṇamravadanā śaśvannamaskurvantamādarāt|
Dṛṣṭvā vismayamāpannā pārvatī paripṛcchati||10||
Formerly (purā), on the summit (śikhare) of (the mountain) Kailāsa (kailāsa), which is served (sevite) by Siddha-s --a kind of divine beings-- (siddha) (and) Gandharva-s --celestial musicians-- (bhaktyā), within a very (atyanta) beautiful (sundare) temple (mandire) (adorned) with flowers (puṣpa) (and) the fabulous creeper granting all desires (kalpalatā), Pārvatī (pārvatī), with (Her) face (vadanā) constantly (śaśvat) inclined (praṇamra) (and) full of amazement and doubts (vismayam āpanā), asks (Lord Śiva the following questions) (paripṛcchati) after having seen (dṛṣṭvā) (how, He) who makes the Supreme Principle known (bodhayantam param tattvam) (and) who is praised (vanditam) by sages (muni) such as Śuka (śuka), etc. (ādi), offered salutations (namaskurvantam) respectfully (ādarāt) while He was seated (samāsīnam) on a hairy skin (ajine) of a tiger (vyāghra) somewhere (kvacid) in the midst (madhye) of a number (gaṇe) of sages (muni)||8-10||
to be continued
Further Information
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